티스토리 뷰

- Quantitative analysis -

  • MERR (Mean Error) : What is the average forecast error ?
    MERR (`-oo~oo`) =  `1/n sum_(i=1)^n (F_i - O_i )`
  • RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) : What is the average magnitude of the forecast errors?
    RMSE (`0~oo`) = $sqrt((1)/(n)sum_(i=1)^(n)(F_i-O_i)^2)$
  • CORR (Correlation Coefficient) : How well did the forecast values correspond to the observed values ?
    CORR (`-1~1`) = `( sum (F - bar F )( O - bar O )) / ( sqrt( sum (F - bar F )^2 ) sqrt( sum (O - bar O )^2 ) )`

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