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Address some extreme statements of proponents and skeptics and give counter arguments. Skeptics: Rising levels of GHGs in the 20th century have not caused the Earth to warm. Not true, because: 1. We understand the physics of greenhouse gases (problem is with feedbacks). 2. Earth's history revealed relationship between greenhouse gases and temperature. 3. Venus is an example of a greenhouse e..
기후란? : http://www.climate.go.kr/02_science/1.html 기후시스템 : http://www.climate.go.kr/02_science/1_2.html 기후변화 요인 : http://www.climate.go.kr/02_science/2_2.html 고기후 : http://www.climate.go.kr/02_science/1_3.html 온실효과 : http://www.climate.go.kr/02_science/3.html 지구온난화 : http://www.climate.go.kr/02_science/3_2.html 엘니뇨/라니냐 : http://www.climate.go.kr/02_science/3_3.html 해수면 상승 : http://www.climate.go...
PDF: http://utls.nerc.ac.uk/research/publication/gillet.pdf Simulation of Recent Southern Hemisphere Climate Change Nathan P. Gillett1* and David W. J. Thompson2 Recent observations indicate that climate change over the high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere is dominated by a strengthening of the circumpolar westerly flow that extends from the surface to the stratosphere. Here we demonstrate ..
PDF: http://ams.allenpress.com/amsonline/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1175%2F1520-0442(2001)014%3C0001:SHACRT%3E2.0.CO%3B2 doi: 10.1175/1520-0442(2001)0142.0.CO;2 Journal of Climate: Vol. 14, No. 10, pp. 2238–2249. Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation Response to Global Warming Paul J. Kushner, Isaac M. Held, and Thomas L. Delworth NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, Ne..
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